D01 Salon is a small boutique salon situated in the Westerpark district in Amsterdam. Dennis Rombout, the creative mastermind behind D01 Salon, is a well known name in the hairdressing business. Dennis has built an impressive portfolio working as a creator for international hair and cosmetic brands, running a hair styling academy, being a hair stylist for ad campaigns, fashion shows and television productions. He is also responsible for the look of many Dutch celebrities.
"D01 Salon has to be a multi-usable space where people feel at home", was one of Dennis requirements. In the limited space, approximately 32m2, we created an multi-usable contemporary space situated around a kitchen counter. To keep the floorpan as open and multi-usable as possible, and low in maintenance we integrated display boxes all along the walls. Inside the boxes are placed smokey colored mirrors with integrated lights to create optical illusion of an extended space.